Writers Across Genres: A Panel Discussion with Corinne Demas, Laura Eldridge, and Ronald H. Fenn

Thursday, July 275:30—6:30 PMAuditorium Brewster Ladies' Library1822 Main Street, Brewster, MA, 02631

Join us for this panel discussion with Corinne Demas, Laura Eldridge, and Ronald Harrison Fenn, who all write in different genres. Each writer will share some of their work, discuss what draws them to their separate genres, and answer questions about their creative process.

About the Writers

Corinne Demas is the award-winning author of thirty-eight books, including five novels (The Road Towards Home, The Writing Circle), two short story collections, a memoir (Eleven Stories High, Growing Up in Stuyvesant Town, 1948--1968), numerous books for children (The Littlest Matryoshka, Saying Goodbye to Lulu, The Disappearing Island, Once There Was), a poetry chapbook, and a play. She is a Professor Emerita of English at Mount Holyoke College and a Fiction Editor of The Massachusetts Review. Website: www.corinnedemas.com Twitter: @corinnedemas

Laura J. Eldridge was born and raised on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. She credits her elementary school librarian, Phyllis Baker, for instilling a love of reading and writing at an early age. Laura's favorite genres are mystery/thriller, historical and ghost stories. Laura has worked for a local veterinary hospital for over three decades as a Certified Veterinary Technician where she is known as the resident cat whisperer. She loves to incorporate animals in all of her books. Rough Terrain, a murder mystery/thriller is her debut novel. 

Ronald Harrison Fenn has had poems published in various periodicals, magazines, and other publications, including the 2014 Dennis Conservation Land Trust newsletter and the Cape Cod Times Sunday Edition in July 2019, chosen by blind selection by a panel of published poets. He is working on a new project, a "Poetic Diary" geared toward spontaneous free verse and prose, and "Wind on Water" short poems inspired by T'ang dynasty poets. A former adjunct professor at Cape Cod Community College, Mr. Fenn previously taught at graduate schools of Cambridge College and Suffolk University. He was recently interviewed for the public radio podcast The daVinci Pursuit hosted by Mark Kesling on "The Poetry of Nature." Listen here: https://www.thedavincipursuit.com/2023/06/17/the-poetry-of-nature-finding-nature-through-the-spoken-and-written-word/

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